Cranberry – read more
Cranberry (L. Vaccinium oxycoccos) is an evergreen sub-shrub or dwarf shrub that belongs to the family of Ericaceae and is famous for its sour-tasting red berries. In addition to cranberry, one can also find small cranberries (L. Oxycoccus microcarpus) in Estonia. Cranberries, which are common in most of northern and Central Europe, but also in western and central Siberia and North America, grow in many places in Estonia as well. Cranberries prefer to grow in humid and acid wetlands. Its sour taste is due to various acids that it contains, including oxalic and citric acid. Its berries also contain benzoic acid, which has a strong antibacterial effect. Cranberries are rich in vitamin C and potassium. The berries can be used to make healthy and refreshing drinks that have an anti-hypertensive effect. Cranberry juice can also help improve one’s health when suffering from fever. One must be careful not to overdo it with cranberries when suffering from liver and stomach problems – the excessive acidity may be harmful to those organs. The latest research by American chemists confirms that no other fruit is as effective in fighting cancer, stroke and cardiovascular disease as cranberry.